Seal 1


“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” Revelation 22:14.





Inside the Church of God Sabbatarian


An open door Church

We are a small, independent Church of God, a part of the Body of Christ. We meet for worship, service, and instruction in the "Word of God" each seventh day Sabbath. Founded in 1997, the brethren chose from among themselves Lyonel Bradley to serve as Pastor. He was ordained by the laying on of hands of the ministry and congregation, according to the guidelines of 1st Timothy and Titus.

What is your purpose or mission?

Our common goal as a church is to not only "contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered unto the saints." (JUDE 1:3) but also to grow in the grace and knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. We are not a large or wealthy group but we are blessed in knowledge, sound doctrine and the teaching of God's word, the Bible. We hope to share our faith and blessings through the MP3 files and the various booklets and articles we have online.

What is your order of service?

We begin services with songs of praise. Then we open services in prayer. The song leader will then give any appropriate announcements. After the announcements, there is time set aside for prayer requests, and updates on past prayer requests. Someone is usually then asked to lead the fellowship in prayer for those who requested them. Sometimes we have special music. Next, the sermon or Bible study is given. Afterwards, time is usually set aside for questions and comments. Then we close services with a final song and prayer. We depend upon and are subject to the guidance of the Spirit of God at all times in our services. All are welcome who are willing to do the same.



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