Welcome to the Church of God Sabbatarian
We are a small group of the Church of God meeting in the southeast Michigan area.
The purpose of our website is to share The Gospel; The Good News of Jesus Christ and the coming of the Kingdom of God! Here you will find weekly audio sermons and bible studies from our Pastor, Lyonel Bradley; as well as messages from guest speakers who share our love of The Truth. We hope you will be edified, strengthened and inspired by these messages. As we explore the wonders & the mysteries of God's plan of Salvation, and Prophecy; much of which is relevant to the major events transpiring in our nation and the world today. We also through scripture, confront and refute much of the ecumenical, liberal and humanistic teachings that prevail in most churches today. The Bible is the foundation of knowledge, and the Bible is the foundation of all the teachings you will find here.
"Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee." Acts 3:6