Twelve Truths of The Church Of God Part V
July 14, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley: In the King James translation of the Bible three different words are translated into the english word "HELL". This, combined with myths and traditions of the Middle Ages, has brought a lot of confusion and ignorance to this subject. In Part Five of this series, Pastor Lyonel Bradley delves into the meanings of each of the three words translated as "HELL". By letting the Bible interpret the Bible and eliminating the myths and traditions, Lyonel brings common sense and much needed understanding to this crucial Biblical doctrine. |
Twelve Truths of The Church Of God Part III
June 30, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley: There are at least twelve doctrines or truths that distinguish the Church Of God from all the other religions in the world. One of those truths is the truth of Israel and his descendants. In this sermon Lyonel demonstrates, from the Bible, how God would use and guide these children of ISRAEL. How they would receive blessings of land, abundance, prosperity and power. But he also shows that when they would sin and forsake God, how He will bring great tribulation on them. Understanding this one truth is key to explaining so much of what is happening in the world at this time and also to understanding the great events that are to transpire shortly in the very near future.
Twelve Truths of The Church Of God - Part II
June 9, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley: There are at least twelve doctrines or truths that distinguish the true Church Of God from all the other religions in the world. In this sermon Lyonel sets forth the scriptures revealing the true destiny of man. It is awesome. It is shocking - and it is very hard for many to accept this truth. For those humble enough to accept it, here are the plain, simple scriptures revealing the true and awesome potential of man. |
The Law And Judgments In The New Testament
May 19, 2012 - sermon from Pastor Lyonel Bradley on The Law And Judgments In The New Testament In MATTHEW 5 Christ showed that not only did He NOT do away with the law and the judgments but that He magnified them. He also showed that the proper use of the law is not to apply to others, but to apply to one's own heart. In the Beatitudes Christ showed the law was to be internal - written in the heart. |
The Judgments Of Exodus 22
May 5, 2012 - by Pastor Lyonel Bradley. God not only gave to Moses the Ten Commandments but He also gave the many Judgments based upon the Ten Commandments. This is a study of the Judgments given in Exodus 22. Many modern and progressive people of today put no value or relevance on these ancient writings. But it will be these exact laws and judgments which will govern this earth in the very near future when Jesus Christ is sitting on his throne in Jerusalem. |
Q & A by Pastor Lyonel Bradley
April 14, 2012 - This is an open question and answer Bible study by Pastor Lyonel Bradley. Some of the questions addressed are; why do we have to go through TRIALS and suffering?; the sin of ENVY; laws of CLEANLINESS; what is PRESUMPTUOUS SIN and questions about the SABBATH. |
Jesus Christ And The Mount Of Olives
March 24, 2012 - Mike Phillips examines the Biblical, historical and archaeological evidence showing that Jesus Christ was very likely crucified and buried on the Mount of Olives and that the traditional sites are false. |
February 11, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley. The bible states that we will have trials and suffering in this life. Many of the trials people go through are because of choices that are made. Many trials come because of having pride and not seeking God's will, or guidance. In other words trials can come upon people because of being a fool. Proverbs 1:7 states; The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Learn wisdom and choose right so that your trials and suffering will be to the glory of God and not because of foolishness. |
The Doctrine of Being Born Again
January 28, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley. In John chapter 3 Christ informed Nicodemus that "you must be born again" to see the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus was truly baffled at the prospect of returning to his mothers womb. But Christ was not talking about another human physical birth - He was talking about a complete metamorphosis into a new creature. He was talking about a change from being flesh into an eternal spirit being born into the eternal family of God. Hear the truth of God's word in this MP3 message "Being Born Again." |
Bible Study by Lyonel Bradley
December 10, 2011 - Some of the topics discussed are; baptism in the name of Jesus Christ; a sin that is unto death (I John 5:16); remarriage (I Cor. 7); the change in the law (Heb. 7:12). |
Bible study by Lyonel Bradley
December 3, 2011 - Topics discussed are; hospital or emergency workers on the Sabbath; the expression from Romans 1:17 "from faith to faith"; symbols of the cross and the practice of ordination and laying on of hands. |
The Holy Spirit Part 2
August 13, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: The Bible reveals that although there is a spirit in man, man is still an incomplete creation. To have eternal life we must each receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Scriptures and analysis dealing with this process are examined. |
The Role Of Women In The Church
July 23, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: When the Lord poured out his Holy Spirit on the Church, many gifts and talents were given to all, men and women. How are these gifts - of prophecy, healing and charity - to be used, or understood, in the light of the Apostle Paul's instructions that women are to be silent in the Churches? A new look at the role of women in the Church. |
Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ
July 9, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: On the day that the New Testament Church was born on Pentecost 30 A.D., clear instruction was given to all, Jew and Gentile, who were called. Acts 2:37... what shall we do? 38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Scriptures and commands from Jesus, John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul are explored and expounded upon. |
Creation vs. Evolution Part 2
June 1, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: Can a literal reading of Genesis chapter one be harmonized with scientific fact? Is a literal reading of Genesis chapter one compatible with a very ancient universe and earth? An open and informal examination of not only Genesis one but many other scriptures relevant to this subject. |
Sabbath Changed to Sunday?
May 14, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: Do protestants have Biblical authority for keeping Sunday as the Sabbath? Which day did early gentile converts keep? Here is an examination of the Holy Scriptures on this subject. |
Twelve Truths of The Church Of God Part IV
July 7, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley: There are at least twelve doctrines or truths that distinguish the Church Of God from all the other religions in the world. In this series, as outlined by Lyonel, the seventh truth or doctrine is the Holy Sabbath Day. Of course the seventh day sabbath doctrine is not without controversy. Many or most christians today believe the sabbath day was done away at the cross. Many others believe the sabbath was changed to Sunday or the Lord's Day. Going through the New Testament Lyonel examines the scriptures on this subject. Did you know that Jesus Christ and the apostles taught and kept the Sabbath? Did you know that Jesus declared himself "Lord of the Sabbath"? Did you know that the Apostle Paul not only kept the Sabbath but instructed gentiles to keep and honour the Sabbath? To all with an open heart and mind this message gives conclusive proof the Sabbath is for everyone, both now and on into the Kingdom of God. |
The Parable of the Five Foolish Virgins
June 23, 2012 - by Steve Bruce: In Matthew chapter 25, Christ gives a parable. In the highly symbolic language of this parable Christ pictures himself as a bridegroom returning in the night for his bride - the church. Using this parable as the foundation of his message, Steve Bruce not only answers and instructs as to why we are here on earth, but also what we are to be doing and how we are to be preparing for the day of Christ's return. Many Christians are not alert to the times we are entering into and Steve gives an urgent warning to all who will listen to "wake up." |
Twelve Truths of The Church Of God
June 2, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley: There are at least twelve doctrines or truths that distinguish the true Church Of God from all the other religions in the world. In this first sermon of the series, Lyonel presents the first four truths beginning with the Nature of GOD. What is astounding is how the Catholic / Protestant world misunderstands and misrepresents these simple Biblical truths. |
"Occupy Till I Come"
May 12, 2012 - sermon from Mike Phillips "Occupy Till I Come" God's true church has always believed and taught that Christ would return again to the earth. Christ also left instructions as to what we should be doing in the meantime. Christ said to "Occupy Till I Come." |
The Commandments And Judgments
April 28, 2012 - by Pastor Lyonel Bradley. In Isaiah 42:21 God says he will magnify his law, and make it honourable. Jesus Christ said he came to fulfill the law, not destroy it. A look at the role of the commandments and judgments in both the Old and the New Covenants. |
The Covenants
April 21, 2012 - Pastor Lyonel Bradley gives a sermon on The Covenants. A look at and comparison of the various covenants God has made throughout human history. Starting with the Noachian covenant from the time of the flood to the New Covenant which began with the death and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Commentary on the Priesthood, the temple and God's ultimate destiny for mankind. |
How God Views Abortion
February 18, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley. In the beginning God created and ordained the most amazing and miraculous aspect of his creation. It was the family, with a husband, wife and children to be on this earth. It was a beautiful and mysterious thing filled with supernatual meaning. Shortly after this creation something went very wrong. A jealous and violent enemy of God, and his plan, set out to pervert and destroy this special creation of God. Learn more about this ongoing conflict and God's viewpoint of these issues. This is a message extremely relevant today, to the United States and our contemporary world. |
What is Faith?
February 4, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley. Christ asked the question - would He find faith on earth when He returned. What is faith? How do we get faith? This is a timely message for the church, especially as perilous days are fast coming upon this earth. Our prayer is - "That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; 17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God." (Ephesians 3:16-19) |
Are Birthday Celebrations Pagan?
January 21, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley. Where did birthday celebrations come from? What about round cakes lit up with candles, or cone shaped hats and noise makers? Did Christ or the apostles celebrate their birthdays? Where do these traditions fit in with the way of life God has outlined in the Bible? Here is a message that puts into perspective the tradition of "Birthday Celebrations." |
Sabbath Keeping
September 17, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: Why do we keep the Sabbath? How do we keep the Sabbath? Does Colosians 2:16 show that the Sabbath is done away? Also many christians today claim that there is no Sabbath command in the New Testament. Is this true? What about Hebrews chapter 4? Is Christ Lord of the first day of the week? Many proofs and reasons are gone into for keeping and observing the holy seventh day in this extended sermon about Sabbath keeping. |
The Holy Spirit
August 6, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: Is the Holy Spirit a person? Is the Holy Spirit a third person in the Godhead? What, or who is this force or power that God gives to those that believe on Him? Is the Holy Spirit different somehow in the New Testament from Old Testament times? These and other aspects of the role and workings of the Holy Spirit are revealed in this sermon from Pastor Lyonel Bradley. |
Matthew 28:19
July 16, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: In Matthew 28:19 Christ gives what appears to be a clear, simple command; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. This scripture also appears to give strong proof of the belief in the Trinity. Does the Bible contradict itself? Can this scripture be harmonized with the rest of the plain instructions to baptize in the name of Jesus Christ only? Does this one scripture prove the Trinity belief? Lyonel uses scripture, scholarship and historical references to get to the truth of Matthew 28:19 |
Creation vs. Evolution
May 18, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley, Pastor of Church of God Sabbatarian - Creation vs. Evolution
Sign of The Prophet Jonah
April 30, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: To the wicked and unbelieving Pharisees, Christ gave them only one sign that he was the Messiah. That was the sign of the prophet Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly of the giant fish for three days and three nights, Christ would be buried in the earth for three days and three nights. Why do most of modern christianity reject that sign? |