Seal 1


“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” Revelation 22:14.









God's Holy Days

"Leviticus 23:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the FEASTS OF THE LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are MY FEASTS. "

The Sabbath Day

Sabbath Revelation

Sabbath Revelation
October 25, 2014 - by Lyonel Bradley: In part one of this two part series on the Sabbath day, Lyonel goes back, not only to the beginning of the Sabbath but also to when time, space and the entire universe were created.

Sabbath Revelation Part 2

Sabbath Revelation Part 2
November 1, 2014 - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part two and the conclusion of this series on the Sabbath day. Lyonel goes through the scriptural examples of sabbath keeping, on into the New testament, examining the intent, motivation and purpose of keeping the Sabbath.

The Passover

The Truth About Easter

The Truth About Easter
March 26, 2016 - by Steve Bruce: Many in christianity have customs and rites at this time of year, in preparation for the spring holiday of Easter. What is God's attitude toward modern Easter observances? Steve goes through the scriptures revealing clearly what God thinks of those who approach him through Easter worship.

Self Examination And Passover

Self Examination And Passover
February 13, 2016 - by Lyonel Bradley: Many in christianity have customs and rites at this time of year, in preparation for the spring holiday of Easter. These customs and practices are, of course, from superstitiuos and pagan belief systems. The Bible reveals the true observances and preparations for this time of year and the importance and significance of those practices, in contrast to the traditions of the world.

Passover and Unleavened Bread Questions

Passover and Unleavened Bread Questions
March 21, 2015 - by Lyonel Bradley: How, when and why of Passover and Unleavened bread.

Passover Preparations

Passover Preparation
April 5, 2014 - by Lyonel Bradley: Some important scriptures and teachings on preparing for Passover.

The Plagues on Egypt And Passover

Egypt & Passover
March 17, 2012 - by Walt Boryczka: Back in the ancient days of Egypt, when the nation of Israel was in slavery to the Egyptians, God executed plagues and judgments upon the Egyptians. Are there things we need to understand about these events relevant for today? You can listen as Walt recounts and comments on the plagues leading up to the Passover.

The 14th Passover Part 1

14th Passover Pt 1
February 25, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley: In ancient Egypt, at a time when the nation of Israel was in slavery and hard labor, GOD set his hand to free Israel. It was through many miraculous events that GOD ultimately liberated his people. It was through these miraculous plaques and judgments that GOD accomplished his plan and purpose at that time. These events have great meaning, not only for that time, back then, but also for our time today - and on into eternity.

The 14th Passover Part 1

14th Passover Pt 1
February 25, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley: In ancient Egypt, at a time when the nation of Israel was in slavery and hard labor, GOD set his hand to free Israel. It was through many miraculous events that GOD ultimately liberated his people. It was through these miraculous plaques and judgments that GOD accomplished his plan and purpose at that time. These events have great meaning, not only for that time, back then, but also for our time today - and on into eternity.

Passover Observance

Passover Observance
April 9, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: In Genesis 1:14, God ordains the sun, moon and stars to be for signs, seasons, days and years. What does that have to do with keeping the Passover? Learn more in this sermon about Passover observance.

Passover Preparations

Passover Preparations
April 16, 2016 - by Steve Bruce: Steve goes through important scriptures for this time of year.

God's Law and the Passover

God's Law and the Passover
March 14, 2015 - by Lyonel Bradley: The importance and value of God's holy law in the context of Passover preparation.

Easter Origins

Easter Origins
April 19, 2014 - by Lyonel Bradley: The real origins of Easter.

Passover Is On The 14th

Passover Is On The 14th
April 12, 2014 - by Lyonel Bradley: As usual at this time of year there are controversies over the day of Passover. Lyonel gives irrefutable proof of Passover being on the 14th, NOT the 15th of Abib.

Passover Preparation

Passover Preparation
March 23, 2013 - by Lyonel Bradley: This message concerns the preparations, both physical and spiritual, for Passover. Lyonel reviews the scriptures showing the requirements and responsibilities for Passover observance.

The 14th Passover Part 2

14th Passover Pt 2
March 3, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley: This is a continuation of the message given last week. Every year at this time the controversy over the timing of the day of Passover continues. The Bible explanations are simple - but men cause confusion. Lyonel gives support and commentary demonstrating a 14th day Passover.

Passover and Unleavened Bread

Passover & Unleavened Bread
May 7, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: This is an open Bible study focusing on the Passover and Unleavened Bread feasts.

Was Passover on the night of the 14th or 15th?

Exodus 12
April 25, 2011 - by Mike Phillips: Why were the Israelites instructed to not leave their dwellings until sunrise yet were to be clothed, with their shoes on their feet and with their staff in their hand? Instruction and commentary from Exodus 12

Feast of Unleavened Bread

7th Day of Unleavened Bread

7th Day of Unleavened Bread
April 10, 2015 - by Lyonel Bradley:  The tremendous and significant symbolism and meanings of the seventh day of the feast of unleavened bread.

Unleavened Bread - Salvation

Unleavened Bread - Salvation
April 21, 2014 - by Lyonel Bradley:  On the seventh and last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Israel was delivered and saved from slavery in Egypt. The meaning and symbolism for the church today is Salvation.

The DANGER Of Leavening

The Danger Of Leavening
April 1, 2013 - by Lyonel Bradley:  The Bible, very often, uses typology, symbolism and analogies to represent or convey ideas and concepts. Leavening, as used in baking products, is one of those types or symbols used. Jesus Christ, especially, used the typology of leavening to give teachings and warnings of dangers that can literally threaten a persons life and the life of the church. This is a timely message not only for the season we're in but also for the current age and times we live in.
Lyonel Bradley has loyally kept and observed God's feast days for many years and his teachings on this subject contain a depth and wisdom seldom heard in this godless and secular age we live in. We pray this message will be a help for you, to observe, keep and understand GOD'S Feast Days.

The Meaning Of Unleavened Bread

The Meaning Of Unleavened Bread
March 26, 2013 - by Lyonel Bradley:  The holy days of the Bible, when understood correctly, reveal many aspects of the plan of God. The seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread, for instance, when observed and kept correctly, answers so many questions that man has asked throughout the span of history. Why is the world filled with turmoil, war and strife? Why is man on this earth and what should he be doing? What is the true destiny of mankind and how will he get there?
Lyonel Bradley has loyally kept and observed God's feast days for many years and his teachings on this subject contain a depth and wisdom seldom heard in this godless and secular age we live in. We pray this message will be a help for you, to observe, keep and understand GOD'S Feast Days.

Unleavened Bread - Christ In You

Christ In You
April 7, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley:  During the seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread God's people are instructed to put all leavening out of their homes. At the same time they are to be eating of and taking in unleavened bread. This is highly symbolic of taking in Jesus Christ the "Bread of Life." Lyonel shows the supreme importance of regularly taking in and studying the Word of God. The Apostle Paul refers to this process as being renewed and transformed in your mind and spirit - a metamorphosis into a new man.

First Day of Unleavened Bread 2015

First Day of Unleavened Bread 2015
April 4, 2015 - by Lyonel Bradley:

First Day of Unleavened Bread

First Day of Unleavened Bread
April 15, 2014 - by Lyonel Bradley:
Warning about deception, false teachers and false doctrine.

The Wave Sheaf Offering

The Wave Sheaf Offering
March 30, 2013 - by Lyonel Bradley:
In Leviticus chapter 23 there is an obscure and mysterious offering that was to be made once a year. It is the "Wave Sheaf Offering". At this time of year, as the masses observe their Easter celebrations, knowledge and understanding of the Wave Sheaf Offering is understood by very few. Most would be shocked if they understood how this obscure Old Testament offering relates to Jesus Christ and the symbolism that it conveys in fulfilled prophecy.

Does God Exist?

Does God Exist
April 19, 2011 - by Guest Speaker Pastor Gary Johnson from Intercontinental Church of God: Using science, logic and plain old common sense Gary Johnson presents some very challenging facts and questions for skeptics and those who would doubt that a creator God exists.

Unleavened Bread - Lessons from Ancient Egypt

Lessons from Egypt
April 16, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: When the Lord God saved and delivered Israel from a life of slavery in Egypt, he commanded they eat unleavened bread for seven days. In this message Lyonel goes in depth into the meanings and symbolism of the feast of unleavened bread and the prominent role that Jesus Christ has in this observance. This is knowledge and teaching that is sorely missing from most of mainstream christianity. Learn a lesson from ancient Egypt...


Pentecost; The Work and Labour of Harvest

Pentecost; The Work and Labour of Harvest
May 19, 2013 - by Lyonel Bradley:  One of the important symbolisms of Pentecost is the early First Fruits harvest. Lyonel demonstrates clearly, from the scriptures, that there is work and labour involved in this process.

The Mystery Of Predestination

The Mystery Of Predestination
May 19, 2013 - by Lyonel Bradley:  One of the important symbolisms of Pentecost is the early First Fruits harvest. This early, first harvest is highly symbolic of God's church which will be in the first resurrection. Not only will this group enter God's kingdom first, but God predestined it from before the universe was created. Additionally, not only is this group predestined but each individual was thought out, planned and carefully selected - eons before they were ever born. Unlike the Calvanistic doctrine though, the Bible makes plain free moral agency is definitely a strong factor in this process. You may have never heard predestination taught this way before, so listen as Pastor Lyonel Bradley presents the scriptural evidence for the Mystery of Predestination.

Pentecost And The Church

Pentecost & The Church
May 27, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley:  In the ceremonies and offerings for Pentecost are the mysterious "two wave loaves." This is one of the rare offerings that were to have leavening. What makes this offering of special interest is that leavening, in the Bible, is symbolic of sin. Using the epistle to the Ephesians, Lyonel brings new light to the understanding of this unique offering, and it's significance to the New Testament church of God - and the days in which we are living.

Pentecost and God the Father

Wait For The Promise
June 12, 2016 - by Lyonel Bradley: Gods' Holy Days have great meaning and significance. Often these deeper meanings are understood only by those who keep and observe these days. Pentecost is known to be the day when the holy spirit was poured out beginning or begetting the New Testament Church. In this sermon Lyonel looks at this begettal process and the new relationship between the baptized believer and God the Father.

Wait For The Promise

Wait For The Promise
April 30, 2016 - by Steve Bruce: A lesson from God's Holy Day plan, with the associated seasons and harvests, teach us to have a forward, future looking vision of the "Promises".

Pentecost, the Temple and Haggai

Pentecost, the Temple and Haggai
June 8, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley: Lyonel demonstrates the extreme relevance of the book of Haggai for not only the day of Pentecost, but to the Church, God's Temple, NOW, in the end times.

The Timing & Observance of Pentecost

Timing & Pentecost
May 26, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley: This is a Bible study with questions and information centered on the timing and observance of Pentecost.

Pentecost A Special Calling

A Special Calling
June 12, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: Are you in awe of the creation and the universe? Are you in wonder at what God could possibly be doing on this earth? Do you have questions in your mind about God and the Bible? Perhaps you are one of the few who are being called or invited by the Father to come to Christ, the One who can not only answer your questions but also lead you into ALL Truth!

Feast of Trumpets

The Tribulation And The Day Of The Lord

The Tribulation And The Day Of The Lord
September 25, 2014 - by Lyonel Bradley: There is much confusion about the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. Lyonel demonstrates the sequential nature of these two distinct events and also goes into the chronology of the seven last trumpets plagues.

A Message From The Feast Of Trumpets

A Message From The Feast Of  Trumpets
September 5, 2013 - by Lyonel Bradley: The Bible speaks of a terrible time to come upon the world, that if God did not intervene ALL life on earth would be destroyed. It is specifically called the time of "Jacobs Trouble" - the Great Tribulation.
Who is Jacob and how does he relate to our modern nations? What exactly is the Great Tribulation? When is the Great Tribulation? How long does it endure?
Many today know things are going terribly wrong with our nation and around the world. This sermon has many of the answers to these questions - from the Bible.
Times and events are changing fast and the loving, merciful Creator God is revealing this warning and knowledge before that evil day comes.

Feast of Trumpets The Day of the Lord

The Day of The Lord
September 29, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: This world is fast approaching a time of crisis unparalleled in history. All of mankind's high and lofty goals will soon lead to great world wars, famines and disasters. Unless there is an intervention in history of some power or force, this world is truly doomed. God's Feast of Trumpets pictures just such a time. It also pictures a day when Jesus Christ will return to this earth and not only execute judgment on all the wicked who are destroying the earth, but also to save this earth and redeem mankind from all the evil of this age.

Prophetic Events Before The DAY Of The LORD

Media Player
Feast Of TRUMPETS - September 14, 2015 - by Lyonel Bradley: Signposts, events and personalities to look for that precede the great and terrible "Day Of The LORD".

Sabbaths, Signs And Appointed Times

Media Player
September 24, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: In this follow up message to the sermon "Sabbath Keeping", Lyonel goes into the scriptures proving that the Holy Days were instituted at creation at the same time as the Sabbath. He also goes into the types and prophetic meanings of the various sacrifices and observances, which reveal God's plan. Also, using the New Testament, he demonstrates the many instances where Christ and the Apostles kept, and commanded the keeping of the Lord's feast days.

Day Of Atonement

The Symbolism Of Atonement

Media Player
October 4, 2014 - by Lyonel Bradley:
Lyonel clearly goes through the symbolism of Leviticus 16, which reveals to us the forgivness, the reconciliation and the complete solution and banishment of the sin that has been such a curse to all mankind.

A Message From Atonement

Media Player
September 14, 2013 - by Lyonel Bradley:
There's a malignancy that is rampant on this planet earth, and it's the cause of so much of the trouble and evil we see and experience. It's called PRIDE. It originated with an evil creature called the Devil (or Satan) many eons ago.
Being that Satan is the god of this world, at the present time, and transmits his evil nature through the air, all of humanity is infected with this attitude of self importance, ego and pride, to the detriment and hurt of others.
In observing the Day of Atonement we are commanded to "afflict our souls". The meaning of the word to afflict is one of humbling, of bowing down the self - the opposite of PRIDE.
Soon the whole world will learn this lesson of afflicting the self, as God seeks to reconcile his human creation to himself.

A Recommitment To God

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September 26, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley: The Day of Atonement pictures in prophetic symbolism the removal and banishment of Satan the Devil and the covering of our sins. A neglected message or aspect of the Day Of Atonement is the opportunity it provides to return to and recommit your life to God. Atonement has more relevance today than ever because of the opportunity it provides for modern day believers to repent and return to God's grace.

Feast Preparations

October 1, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: In preparing for the Feast or a Sabbath day there are very important things to do. This sermon looks beyond just the physical preparations which must be done. Here is some crucial information of how to prepare and observe God's feast days and receive the blessings, both physical and spiritual, that the Lord has prepared for you.

Lessons From the Day Of Atonement

Lessons From the Day Of Atonement
September 23, 2015 - by Lyonel Bradley: The Day of Atonement has it's prophetic meanings and symbolism, of course. But there are also other very important lessons to be learned from the meaning of this day. Here are four lessons from the Day of Atonement.

Shadows & Meanings of The Day Of Atonement

Shadows & Meanings
October 8, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: There is a ceremony in Leviticus 16 that the High Priest would perform once each year. This ceremony has a deep and powerful meaning. It acts out and portrays history changing events that are prophecied for the near future. It involves Jesus Christ, the descendants of Israel and a powerful enemy - the Devil. Learn more of the tremendous shadows and meanings of the Day Of Atonement.

Feast of Tabernacles 2016

First Holy Day by Walt Boryczka

First Day

Third Day by Tom Boehm

Third Day

Fifth Day by Dick Hemauer

Fifth Day

Seventh Day by Jerry Hubbard

Seventh Day

Second Day by Mike Phillips

Second Day

Fourth Day by Steve Bruce

Fourth Day

Sixth Day by Walt Boryczka

Sixth Day

Last Great Day by Tom Boehm

Last Great Day

Oct 29 Post Feast Sabbath Service - Jason Bradley Sermonette

Last Great Day

Feast of Tabernacles 2015

First Holy Day by Lyonel Bradley

First Day

Third Day by Dick Hemauer

Third Day

Fifth Day by Steve Bruce

Fifth Day

Seventh Day by Jerry Hubbard

Seventh Day

Second Day by Mike Phillips

Second Day

Fourth Day by Bobby Edmunds

Fourth Day

Sixth Day by Tom Boehm

Sixth Day

Last Great Day by Lyonel Bradley

Last Great Day

Feast of Tabernacles 2011

First Holy Day by Lyonel Bradley

First Day

Third Day by Mike Phillips

Third Day

Sixth Day by Jerry Hubbard

Sixth Day

Second Day by Tom Boehm

Second Day

Fifth Day by Steve Bruce

Fifth Day

Seventh Day by Walt Borycska

Seventh Day

The Last Great Day

Holy Day Message by Lyonel Bradley

Last Great Day

Feast of Tabernacles 2012

First Holy Day by Lyonel Bradley

God was a Husband to Israel (Isa. 54:5). That relationship ended because of the sin of Israel and God divorced them. The Bible reveals that God will still have a wife and marriage. His wife is now preparing for the soon coming wedding ceremony. In this message Lyonel goes into the symbolism and meaning of the ancient BETROTHAL custom bringing new light to this subject. Using human marriage as a type of the future, eternal marriage of God, Lyonel brings a deeper understanding to this whole process of betrothal, marriage and consummation.

First Day

Third Day (Children’s Day)

This is a special service featuring the children. Pastor Lyonel Bradley challenges and stimulates the children with Bible and Feast questions. You can listen in as the children respond in interesting and sometimes humorous ways.

Third Day

Sixth Day by Jerry Hubbard

Jerry shows in this message the theme of personal, Christian responsibility to God. Using Biblical examples showing that the actions of one person can affect so many other people for GOOD. Knowing this should greatly encourage us to continue our Christian walk knowing that ultimately we will be of influence for good to many others.

Sixth Day

Second Day by Mike Phillips

This message looks at the Ordinances of God. Ordinances of Feast days, ordinances of morality and ordinances establishing the universe, sun, moon and stars forever. In understanding these ordinances we see God's law written in the heavens forever - and God's eternal FAITHFULNESS.

Second Day

Fifth Day by Tom Boehm

Tom presents key scriptures and themes from the Feast of Tabernacles observance culminating with the picture of Christ sitting on his Throne in Jerusalem, the future capitol of the whole world.

Fifth Day

Seventh Day by Steve Bruce

God promised ancient Israel that they would possess the "Gates" of their enemies. Steve demonstrates, in this message, that as Christians, we are to possess or control the gates to our lives. Not only the physical gates to our homes and families but also those gates into our spirit and minds. Steve gives strong encouragement for this conflict and battle.

Seventh Day

The Last Great Day

Holy Day Message by Lyonel Bradley

There is a great unseen evil in this world. It is the Devil and his demons. He has been allowed to rule and reign over this earth for 6,000 years. His reign will soon end when Jesus Christ returns to earth in power and glory to reestablish the Kingdom of GOD. God has not ignored all the suffering and evil on this earth - there will be a final judgment. The Books will be opened and all those who were blinded by Satan will at last receive the truth. Learn more in this sermon about that final judgment - The Last Great Day.

Last Great Day

Feast of Tabernacles 2013

First Holy Day by Lyonel Bradley

The return, rule and reign of Jesus Christ.

First Day

Third Day by Tom Boehm

The Church of God is a unique group of people, and it is Christs' will that they grow and develop in a certain way. This is a message for God's Church today.

Third Day

Fifth Day by Steve Bruce

In the coming years of 2014 and 2015 we will be observing a rare occurance with four luner eclipses occurring on Gods' Holy Feast days. Each time this "Tetrad" of eclipses has occured in the past century, providential events have taken place for Jerusalem and the nation of Israel. Could these heavenly signs also have portent for the United States and the Western World? Steve Bruce presents his evidence in this informative message on the "Blood Moons" of 2014 and 2015.

Fifth Day

Seventh Day by Jerry Hubbard

Many today are afflicted with "Intellectual Laziness." Jerry contrasts this affliction with zealously seeking wisdom and knowledge from God above.

Seventh Day

Second Day by Mike Phillips

A vision of the Kingdom of God.

Second Day

Fourth Day by Jerry Hubbard

Todays service begins with special music by Jerry Hubbard titled "I Believe" followed by a poem by Margaret "Peggy" Hunter, then a scripture reading by Carly Nova. The sermon message is given by Jerry Hubbard and titled "I Believe".

Fourth Day

Sixth Day by Bobby Edmonds

This service begins with special music by Jerry Hubbard. That is followed by a poem by Margaret "Peggy' Hunter, then a scripture reading by Carly Nova.
This is an inspiring and fervent message on prayer to God. It includes teaching and recounting the powerful and tremendous acts God has performed for his people Israel in the past and the certainty that He will perform even greater acts both now and in the future for his church.

Sixth Day

Last Great Day by Lyonel Bradley

God's plan and timetable is revealed in the meaning of His Holy Days. A few are generally known and understood, such as Pentecost.
Probably the most obscure holy day is the Last Great Day. This sermon by Pastor Lyonel Bradley, given on the Last Great Day observance, will give light and understanding to the meaning of this Holy Day few have known or understood.
Lyonel has kept and observed Gods' Biblical holy days for many years and has insight and knowledge on this subject not shared by many.

Last Great Day

Feast of Tabernacles 2014

First Holy Day by Lyonel Bradley

The opening Holy Day sermon for Feast of Tabernacles 2014.

First Day

Third Day by Tom Boehm

Third Day Feast of Tabernacles 2014.

Third Day

Fifth Day Bible Study by Lyonel Bradley

Fifth Day Feast of Tabernacles 2014.

Fifth Day

Seventh Day by Tom Boehm

Seventh Day Feast of Tabernacles 2014.

Seventh Day

Second Day by Mike Phillips

Second Day Feast of Tabernacles 2014.

Second Day

Fourth Day by Jerry Hubbard

Fourth Day Feast of Tabernacles 2014.

Fourth Day

Sixth Day by Bobby Edmonds

Sixth Day Feast of Tabernacles 2014.

Sixth Day

Last Great Day by Lyonel Bradley

The Last Great Day 2014.

Last Great Day

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