Seal 1


“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” Revelation 22:14.








The Epistles


Galatians Part 1

Galatians Part 1
June 14, 2014  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part one of a study into the book of Galatians. Currently this is unavailable as an MP3. We hope to have it up soon.

Galatians Part 2

Galatians Part 2
June 21, 2014  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part two of a study into the book of Galatians. This study covers chapter three.

Galatians Part 3

Galatians Part 3
June 28, 2014  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part three of a study into the book of Galatians.
This study covers all of chapter 4.

Galatians Part 4

Galatians Part 4
July 5, 2014  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part four of a study into the book of Galatians.
This study covers all of chapter 5.

Conclusion To Galatians

Conclusion To Galatians
July 12, 2014  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is chapter 6 and the conclusion to the study into the book of Galatians. The remaining time is devoted to a warning of the signs of the times we currently live in.


Hebrews Part 1

Hebrews Part 1
November 9, 2013  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part one of a study into the book of Hebrews. Many important questions are addressed and answered in this book. There is important revelation about Jesus Christ, his nature, his work and the creation of the universe. Understanding of the role and status of angels is also discussed.

Hebrews Part 2

Hebrews Part 2
November 16, 2013  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part two of a study into the book of Hebrews.
The universe, solar system and even our earth have a very ancient history. That ancient history involves a civilization, thrones, powers and positions of dominion. There were no human beings at that time but there were spirit beings that the Bible refers to as "angels". Much of that history is viewed as mythological today, but the writer of Hebrews has much to say about that ancient history. The answer explains many of the mysteries of not only our earth's past but also the solar system and the universe.

Hebrews Part 3

Hebrews Part 3
November 23, 2013  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part three of a study into the book of Hebrews.
Mankind is, right now, temporarily lower than the angels. Through the life, work and suffering of Jesus Christ mankinds' destiny is revealed.

Hebrews Part 4

Hebrews Part 4
November 30, 2013  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part four of a study into the book of Hebrews.

Hebrews Part 5

Hebrews Part 5
December 7, 2013  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part five of a study into the book of Hebrews.

Hebrews Part 6

Hebrews Part 6
December 21, 2013  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part six of a study into the book of Hebrews.

Hebrews Part 7

Hebrews Part 7
December 28, 2013  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part seven of a study into the book of Hebrews.

Hebrews Part 8

Hebrews Part 8
January 11, 2014  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part eight of a study into the book of Hebrews.

Hebrews Part 9

Hebrews Part 9
January 18, 2014  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part nine of a study into the book of Hebrews.

Hebrews Part 10

Hebrews Part 10
February 8, 2014  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part ten of a study into the book of Hebrews.

Hebrews Part 11

Hebrews Part 11
February 15, 2014  - by Lyonel Bradley: Part eleven is temporarily unavailable. It should be up in a couple weeks.

Hebrews Part 12

Hebrews Part 12
February 22, 2014  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part twelve of a study into the book of Hebrews.

Hebrews Part 13

Hebrews Part 13
March 8, 2014  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part thirteen of a study into the book of Hebrews.

Hebrews Part 14

Hebrews Part 14
March 22, 2014  - by Lyonel Bradley: This is part fourteen, and the conclusion, of a study into the book of Hebrews.


Epistle of Romans Chapter 8

Romans 8
January 14, 2012  - by Lyonel Bradley: Carnal man is indeed condemned by the sin that exists in the physical body. The apostle Paul instructs believers to mortify or kill the deeds - the sinful acts - of the flesh. But that is only a part of the salvation process. Salvation comes by the hope that is in our spirit man - hope that is in the adoption to become literal sons of God and heirs of all things with Christ. Our hope is in the New Creature that is being created in us through the blood and sacrifie of Christ. You can listen as Lyonel expounds upon Romans chapter 8

Epistle of Romans Chapter 3

Romans 3
November 12, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: When Jesus Christ walked this earth He encountered a constant conflict with the religious authorities of his day. The Pharisees had exalted their oral law and traditions making the Law of God of no effect. The Apostle Paul continued this fight on into his time as this false justification system kept creeping it's way into the Church of God. Lyonel goes through Chapter three of Romans in the light of this historical backdrop.

Introduction to Romans Part 2

Intro to Romans pt 2
August 20, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: In the last half of chapter one, Paul discusses how God's nature, power and glory are revealed to men, and how those men reject that knowledge to their own hurt and destruction. Paul reveals the end of those who turn to physical pleasure and lust after turning God's truth into a lie.

Epistle of Romans Chapter 4, 6 and 7

Romans 4, 6, & 7
January 7, 2012 - by Lyonel Bradley: By and large, the Protestant world presents the doctrine that keeping the law is in great conflict with the grace of God. Pastor Lyonel Bradley looks beyond this simplistic argument into the deeper, richer meanings of this subject. This sermon goes through the seldom referred to chapters 4, 6 and 7 of the epistle to the ROMANS.

Epistle of Romans Chapter 4 November 19, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley

Romans 4

 What Is Holiness?

Media Player
October 29, 2011  - by Lyonel Bradley. In Romans 8:7 it states that the carnal, physical mind is hostile or at enmity against the Spirit of God. The normal human, physical mind is repulsed by such words and concepts as holiness and sanctification. This is a great conflict. The Lord says that he is a Holy God and commands his people to be holy also. Examples and illustrations of holiness are given in this message.

Introduction to Romans Part 1

Intro to Romans pt 1
August 20, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: Many important foundational doctrines are referred to by Paul in the epistle to the Romans. The gospel, the resurrection, faith and grace are a few of the basic areas that are gone into in this first part of Romans.


The Epistle of JUDE


July 2, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: The epistle of Jude is a short one chapter letter. But the importance of the vision and witness of this epistle is deep and wide. Listen as Lyonel expounds upon the warning and witness given from the epistle of Jude.


The Epistles of John Part 8

Epistles of John Pt 8
June 25, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: In these final written words from the aging Apostle John, he continues to remind the Church of their great calling and reward for their faith. He also strongly admonishes against the great false, deceptive church and brethren which were gaining more and more prominence and power at the close of the first century.

The Epistles of John Part 6

Epistles of John Pt 6

May 28, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: This sermon covers I John the third chapter.

The Epistles of John Part 3

Epistles of John Pt 3
March 26, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: John warns not only of the antichrist to come, but also that there are many antichrists gone out. Antichrist means against Christ or taking the place of Christ. Lyonel gives six signs to identify the antichrist which is in the world.

The Epistles of John Part 2

Epistles of John Pt 2
March 19, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: John teaches plainly to keep the commandments so that the love of GOD will be perfected in you. He couldn't be referring to the old Ten Commandments, could he? What commandments is he talking about? Part two of Epistles of John.

The Epistles of John Part 7

Epistles of John Pt 7
June 18, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: As the apostle John was getting older he saw many deceptions and false spirits rising up in the world. John left these few key instructions to God's true church. He commanded to test the spirits whether they were of God or not. He warned of those who do not teach that Christ came as a flesh and blood man. Lastly he instructed to always have love for the brethren of God's church and to stay in the love of God by keeping and practicing His commandments.

The Epistles of John Part 5

Epistles of John Pt 5
May 21, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: What does it mean to be born a son of God? Does it mean we will be like angels in heaven, or is there a much deeper, more fantastic meaning in being born a son of God?

The Epistles of John Part 4

Epistles of John Pt 4
April 2, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: Anti-christ appears as a lamb with two horns. He appears as if he is of Christ. The two horns represent power and authority - an organized system or government. This false leader and church have been around since the time of John and have persecuted God's true church ever since. This antichrist is even now in the world, soon to rise to great prominence one last time. Lyonel gives a strong witness and warning in this message that will not be apologized for.

The Epistles of John Part 1

Epistles of John Pt 1
March 12, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: John was the disciple that Jesus loved. Perhaps this was because John was quicker to understand the things Christ was trying to teach. John had a unique and interesting perspective on Jesus and his message. That is why the writings of John are so important, especially in these days we are living in. You can listen in as Pastor Lyonel Bradley studies into and expounds upon the Epistles of JOHN.


The Epistles of Peter - Conclusion

Epistles of Peter Pt 13
Feb. 26, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: In this final chapter of the Epistles of Peter, he, Peter, emphasizes strongly, in spite of the trials coming upon us, to REMEMBER the hope we have in Gods plan and His promises to us. Also to be diligent and walk worthy of Christ in the face of scoffers, trials and the deceptions all around us. And most important to know and love God.

The Epistles of Peter Part 11

Epistles of Peter Pt 11
Feb. 12, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: There have been false teachers in the past. There will be false teachers in the future. Peter shows that MANY will follow them; not a few, but MANY. Christ taught this same message in Matt 24. Prophecy shows that a time of great deception with lying signs and wonders is soon coming upon the earth. Will you follow the majority to destruction or do you love the truth?

The Epistles of Peter Part 9

Epistles of Peter Pt 9
Jan. 29, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: How valuable was the life of Jesus Christ? How great was his sacrifice? Lyonel shows that very few truly understand the magnitude of this sacrifice. Through faith in the sacrifice of the infinitely priceless life of Jesus Christ we are made "partakers in the divine nature." Peter then gives seven characteristics we are to be developing and growing in.

The Epistles of Peter Part 7

Epistles of Peter Pt 7
Jan 15, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: Much that Christ suffered was in overcoming the nature of his human physical body. Peter teaches that we must also suffer in the same way as Christ, resisting and fighting to overcome sin. To not only overcome the drinking, addictions, idolatries and sexual immoralities, that many have indulged in, in past times, but to sigh and cry because of these abominations. He also gives commands to develop and use your God given talents and gifts to serve and minister with true Godly (agape) love.

The Epistles of Peter Part 5

Epistles of Peter Pt 5
Jan 1, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: Every day of our lives we deal with authorities; in government, school, on the job and in the family. Sometimes authority figures can be oppressive or persecuting. The Apostle Peter instructs not only how to endure and overcome these situations but also how to please GOD and receive a GREAT REWARD in the Kingdom of God!

The Epistles of Peter Part 2 - Dec 4, 2010 by Lyonel Bradley

Epistles of Peter Pt 2

The Epistles of Peter Part 12

Epistles of Peter Pt 13
Feb. 19, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: Our earth and solar system bears much evidence of past destructions and upheavals. There have been cataclysms, floods and wars resulting in darkness and destruction. Is it possible that all this upheaval could have been caused by a LIE and DECEPTION from one super powerful angel? Peter shows there is coming a final time of destruction and darkness brought upon by lies and deception from the Devil and his powerful demon armies.

The Epistles of Peter Part 10

Epistles of Peter Pt 10
Feb. 05, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: Peter was an eyewitness to the miracles and majesty of Christ. He knew he would soon have to give his life as a testimony to the gospel and the truth. We have not only that witness, but also the "more sure word of prophecy." Peter's will after his decease was that we would "have these things always in remembrance.

The Epistles of Peter Part 8

Epistles of Peter Pt 8
Jan. 22, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: In chapter 5, Peter reveals how the chief Shepherd, Christ, has put order in His Church. He has gifted and appointed apostles, prophets, teachers and elders to watch over, guard and feed His sheep. He also reveals the key element to this church structure - HUMILITY - an element sorely missing from the churches and governments of this world.

The Epistles of Peter Part 6

Epistles of Peter Pt 6
Jan. 8, 2011 - by Lyonel Bradley: Peter reveals that Christ went and "preached unto the spirits in prison." Protestants teach that this was during the three days Christ was dead in the tomb. Is that a correct teaching? When did Christ preach to the spirits (demons)? More importantly what did Christ preach to the demons in prison? Find out more in part 6 of the Epistle of Peter

The Epistles of Peter Part 4 - Dec 25, 2010 by Lyonel Bradley

Epistles of Peter Pt 4

The Epistles of Peter Part 3 - Dec 18, 2010 by Lyonel Bradley

Epistles of Peter Pt 3

The Epistles of Peter Part 1 - Nov 27, 2010 by Lyonel Bradley

Epistles of Peter Pt 1


The Epistles of James Part 4 - Nov 13, 2010 by Lyonel Bradley

Epistles of James Pt 4

The Epistles of James Part 2 - Oct 30, 2010 by Lyonel Bradley

Epistles of James Pt 2

The Epistles of James Part 3 - Nov 6, 2010 by Lyonel Bradley

Epistles of James Pt 3

The Epistles of James Part 1 - Oct 23, 2010 by Lyonel Bradley

Epistle of James Pt 1

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